Thalassa! Thalassa!
Imagery of the Sea


This show challenges us with a singular landscape, the sea, in works of art from the 19th century to the present. What role have artists played in fashioning its imagery? How do they express our desire to preserve its mysteries and beauties?

At the point where art history and the history of science and culture meet, the exhibition makes plain how artists have depicted or anticipated the series of upheavals that have redefined our perception of the sea, that immense territory that extends from the shore to the watery depths. At a time when we are increasingly conscious of the role we humans are playing in undermining ecosystems, and maritime borders are causing a number of conflicts, the past sheds light on the present.

The layout of the show is meant to suggest a narrative, from Romanticism to realism, from Symbolism and Surrealism to contemporary art. Visitors will discover that their emotional and aesthetic relationship to the natural world is anchored in a history of images and in a series of formal inventions. On the first and second floors of the museum, three themes are examined in turn, first in the past and then in the present, i.e., shores, depths, and finally abysses.

This event has been made possible by many generous loans from private collections and public institutions, in Europe (Ajaccio’s Palais Fesch; Lyon’s Musée des Beaux-Arts; Paris’s Musée d’Orsay, Petit Palais, and Musée de la Vie romantique; Vienna’s Naturhistorisches Museum Wien; and Baden-Baden’s Museum Frieder Burda), and in Switzerland (Geneva’s Ariana and Musée d’art et d’histoire, Lausanne’s Musée cantonal vaudois de zoologie, Musée historique, and Collection de l’Art brut; the Kunst Museum Winterthur; and Kunstmuseum St. Gallen).

Curators of the exhibition:
Catherine Lepdor, chief curator, MCBA, and Danielle Chaperon, professor of French literature, University of Lausanne, with the help of Camille de Alencastro, research assistant, MCBA

Publication: For the exhibition, a richly illustrated catalogue is published by Éditions Octopus, edited by Danielle Chaperon and Catherine Lepdor, 2024, 208 pp.

Credits and image caption:
Alphonse Osbert, "Soir antique", 1908. Oil on canvas, 150,5 x 135,5 cm. Paris, Petit Palais, Musée des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris. Photo: © Paris Musées / Petit Palais, musée des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris

Featuring works by

The show features works by a wealth of artists, including

Louis Ducros
Eugen von Ransonnet-Villez
Arnold Böcklin
François Bocion
Ary Renan
Bolesław Biegas
Edward Burne-Jones
Alphonse Osbert
Jean-Francis Auburtin
Alexandre Séon
Albert Marquet
René-Xavier Prinet
Félix Vallotton
Maurice Pillard-Verneuil
Jean Painlevé
Pierre Boucher
Germaine Martin
Man Ray
Max Ernst
Pascal-Désir Maisonneuve
Marcel Broodthaers
Ad van Denderen
Lubaina Himid
Caroline Bachmann and Stefan Banz
François Burland
Miriam Cahn
Sandrine Pelletier
Margaret et Christine Wertheim
Yael Bartana

Public opening

Thursday 3 October 2024, from 6.00 pm


The exhibition is supported by the Fondation Leenaards, partner of the Resonances project. This project is a dialogue between the three museums and through thematic commissions to artists from the local area.

The MCBA has commissioned the artist Sandrine Pelletier to produce the installation The Drowned World.