
Charles Gleyre. Le génie de l’invention

To coincide with the exhibition, a major monograph was published by 5 Continents, Milan, 2006, fr., 291 p. Texts by Marie Alamir, Thérèse Burollet, Patrick Shaw Cable, Danielle Chaperon, Guy Ducrey, Elizabeth Fischer, Dario Gamboni, Véronique Gély, Stéphane Guégan, William Hauptman, Philippe Junod, Philippe Kaenel, Catherine Lepdor, Daniel Maggetti, Linda Nochlin, Dominique Radrizzani, Claude Ritschard, Michel Thévoz, Pierre Vaisse, Bernard Vouilloux, Sylvie Wuhrmann, Franz Zelger.

CHF 85.-


Tom Burr
Extrospective: Works 1994 – 2006

The first reference monograph in a bilingual (fr./en.) 160-page edition published by JRP|Ringier, Zurich, 2006. The book includes a preface by Yves Aupetitallot, previously unpublished texts by George Baker, Stuart Comer, Florence Derieux and Cerith Wyn Evans, and an interview with Tom Burr.

CHF 60.-


Yves Mettler, My Flowers aren’t always hiding secrets

Published to coincide with the “Pont Bessières” exhibition at the Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne and the “Yves Mettler. MANOR-Kunstpreis St.Gallen 2006” at the Kunstmuseum St.Gallen. 2006, fr./ge., 72 p.

CHF 36.-


Alice Bailly. La fête étrange

Illustrated 200-page monograph by Paul-André Jaccard (fr.), Editions 5 Continents, Milan.

CHF 55.-


Private View 1980-2000
Collection Pierre Huber

Catalogue de même titre que l’exposition est publié par les éditions JRP׀Ringier, Zurich. Edité par Yves Aupetitallot, fr./en., 272p.

CHF 45.-


Didier Rittener

Yves Aupetitallot (ed.), with texts by Catherine Macchi de Vilhena and Ralf Beil, MCBA Edition, Lausanne, 2005, fr./en., 64 p., 30 ill.

CHF 38.-


Silvie Defraoui. Le tremblement des certitudes

Laurence Schmidlin (ed.), Silvie Defraoui. Le tremblement des certitudes, with an essay by Laurence Schmidlin and a preface by Juri Steiner, Copublication by Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne and Scheidegger & Spiess, Zurich, 2023, en./fr./ge., 120 p., 76 ill.

CHF 35.-


Jardin d’Hiver #2 Poems of Change

Simon Würsten Marin (ed.), Jardin d’Hiver #2. Poems of Change, with contributions by Ali-Eddine Abdelkhalek, Marie DuPasquier, and Simon Würsten Marin. Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne, 2023, Jardin d’Hiver coll., no. 2, fr./en., 32 p., 20 ill.

CHF 5.–


Julian Charrière. Future Fossil Spaces

Edited by Nicole Schweizer, with texts by Amelia Barikin, Rebecca Lamarche-Vadel and Nadim Samman, Musée cantonal des Beaux-arts de Lausanne & Mousse Publishing, 2014. fr./en., 204 p.

CHF 30.-
