
9 = 10. Dix ans d’Accrochage [Vaud]

With a text by Nicole Schweizer and contributions by Robert Ireland, Bernard Voïta, Yves Mettler, David Hominal, Anne-Julie Raccoursier, Jean Crotti, Elisabeth Llach, Pauline Boudry/Renate Lorenz, Luc Aubort. (fr.), Les Cahiers du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne, no. 17, 2012.

CHF 25.-


Jorge Macchi. La Cathédrale engloutie

Laurence Schmidlin (dir.)
With an introduction by Laurence Schmidlin and an interview of Jorge Macchi by Edgardo Rudnitzky.

Lausanne, Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts, 2020. Coll. Espace Projet, n°2.

(fr./en.), 32 pp., 12 colour illustrations.

CHF 5.-


Guide to the Collection

A presentation of more than two hundred artworks gives a glimpse of the museum’s holdings.

Texts by Bernard Fibicher, Catherine Lepdor, Camille Lévêque‑Claudet, Laurence Schmidlin, Nicole Schweizer and Camille de Alencastro.

A coedition by the Musée cantonal des Beaux‑Arts de Lausanne and Scheidegger & Spiess, Zurich, 2020.

(separate French and English editions). 248 pp., 226 colour illustrations.

CHF 25.-


Jean Otth. Travaux/Works, 1964-2013

Nicole Schweizer (dir.)
With essays by Robert Ireland, Agathe Jarczyk, Elisabeth Jobin, Geneviève Loup and Nicole Schweizer.

A coedition by the Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne & Scheidegger & Spiess, Zurich, 2020.

(fr./en.), 256 pp., 381 illustrations.

CHF 39.-


Taus Makhacheva. 4’224,92 cm2 of Degas

Nicole Schweizer (dir.),
With essays by Uzma Z. Rizvi and Vincent van Velsen

Lausanne, Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts, 2020. Coll. Espace Projet, n°1.

(fr./en.), 32pp., 18 coulour illustrations.

Atlas. Cartographie du don

Editorial direction : Bernard Fibicher

(fr.),  64 pages, Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne, 2019

CHF 28.–


Kiki Smith. Hearing You with My Eyes

Laurence Schmidlin (dir.)
With essays by Amelia Jones, Lisa Le Feuvre et Laurence Schmidlin.

A coedition by the Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne & Scheidegger & Spiess, Zurich, 2020.

(fr./en.), 192 pp., 126 colour illustrations.

CHF 39.-
