Giulia Essyad. Prix Gustave Buchet
Winner of the 9th Prix Gustave Buchet, Giulia Essyad exhibits and transforms her own body using digital technology to question the mechanisms of desire and commodification that are usually associated with it.
This solo show features new works from the artist’s Rose Period cycle. They have been thought out for an installation that is meant to suggest the borderline atmosphere that pervades an abandoned shopping centre. Devoted to internality and the representation of invisible aspects of the body – pain, pleasure, emotions, thoughts, and conscious states – the cycle draws on depictions that have a connection with medicine, spirituality, and pornography, three fields that are directly related to the internality of the body. To this Giulia Essyad adds a dialogue with the languages of advertising, which she sees as our main contemporary visual idiom. The starting point is pink, like the colour of skin on the inside, the living brain, and mucous membranes.
With lightboxes highlighting forgotten fragments of adverts, self-portraits exploring the complexity of identity, and a soundtrack playing like a dissonant jingle in deserted spaces, the vacuity of shopping centres metaphorically suggest the fragmentation of the psyche. In this multifaceted world that summons references to medieval legends, pop culture, and a cyborg aesthetics, the artist creates avatars of herself that have been turned into marketing supports worthy of the most overproduced adverts. By asserting an ultrasensuality and overdetermining the codes of extreme femininity, Essyad invites us to a critical deconstruction of the representation of the self and the contemporary body, freed at last from the codes of classical beauty and imposed norms.
Giulia Essyad was born in 1992 in Lausanne. She lives and works in Geneva.
Curator of the exhibition: Pierre-Henri Foulon, curator of contemporary art, MCBA
View of the exhibition "Giulia Essyad, INNARDS, CEC", 2024. Exhibition from 27 September to 25 October 2024. Courtesy Centre d'édition contemporaine, Geneva. Photo: © Sandra Pointet
Prix Gustave Buchet
The Gustave Buchet Foundation was set up in 1987 to keep alive the memory of the painter Gustave Buchet (1888-1963), an artist from the canton of Vaud who worked in Paris between the wars and was influenced by Futurism and Purism.
Established in 1993, the Prix Gustave Buchet has since been awarded to the following artists:
Prix Gustave Buchet 1993: Pierre Chevalley
Prix Gustave Buchet 2000: Anne Blanchet
Prix Gustave Buchet 2003: Christian Floquet
Prix Gustave Buchet 2006: Hervé Graumann
Prix Gustave Buchet 2010: Philippe Decrauzat &
Jean-Luc Manz
Prix Gustave Buchet 2013: Christopher Fülleman
Prix Gustave Buchet 2017: Guillaume Pilet
Prix Gustave Buchet 2021: Sandrine Pelletier